Saturday, July 4, 2009

Random thoughts (Originally posted Tuesday, March 22, 2005)

This piece was inspired by the book of Ecclesiastes. For all his wisdom King Solomon still fell victim to folly. He seemed morose, depressed even. Just goes to show you that even the wisest of us make poor choices.

I sup from a bowl of disappointment, whetting my gluttonous appetite for punishment with empty words and broken promises. I drink the bittersweet juice of expectations unfulfilled from the cup of judgment, knowing I shall drown in its misleading depths. I did this. Allegiance misplaced, there is no honor among thieves. Open: naked, bearing all under the pretense of feeling safe. There is no safety among numbers, only a false sense of security. It shan't happen again. Bled of all tenderness, purged of my desire for continuity; I care not. All is as it should it always has been and as it shall remain. Inspired by the book of Ecclesiastes. For all his wisdom King Solomon still fell victim to folly. He seemed morose, depressed even. Just goes to show you that even the wisest of us make poor choices.

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